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Anh Ngo

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Crop Science Centre

I am Anh Ngo, a postdoctoral research associate in Uta Paszkowski’s lab and will be working on investigating genetically diverse Cassava lines for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) benefit. Before joining Uta Paszkowski’s group, I worked at Institute of Plant Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica in Taiwan as a Postdoc Fellow and then became a Research Scholar of Taiwan National Science and Technology Council, focused on metabolic engineering to improve plant growth in nutrient starvation growth conditions, in particular during phosphate deficiency. In 2023, I moved to RIKEN, Japan to work as a JSPS Fellow to explore novel metabolite-protein interactions in plants. My interests in plant-microbe interaction and cassava led me to Crop Science Center to work in the Cereal Symbiosis group.